Grooming and Operation Manager

Sorry for the disgusting lack of posts recently, I have not really come across anything interesting to post about with Sharepoint or CRM, and I have been quite busy working with other products such as Data Protection Manager and Operations Manager.

So this update is just a quick one to point out a fantastic blog on Operations Manager by Jonathon Almquist : 

Last night I had an issue with Ops Manager where no alerts were being generated, and attempting to resolve any of the alerts via the GUI were not working.  After a few minutes on Google I came across Jonathons site and got a few ideas on what my Ops Manager problem could be.  Using the power shell commands listed on his blog, I was able to immediately see that grooming was not working, and quite quickly I was able to get the server back to an operating state.  Thanks Jonathon!

For anyone curious the following command showed me just how many objects outside of the grooming threshold there were :

>$Threshold = (Get-Date).AddDays(-(get-defaultsetting)[42].Value).Date;Get-Alert | Where {$_.TimeResolved -and $_.TimeResolved.Date -lt $Threshold} | Measure-Object